In the Jayawijaya district area of Wosilimo, West Papua, people from the highlands of Wamena and the neighborhood of Baliem Valley come together for three days of celebrations and dancing. Together they will mark the 37th annual Baliem Valley Festival. For Bird’s Head visitors interested in more than marine life, the Baliem Valley is a home for a real adventure. The valley lies in highland part of West Papua, called Wamena. The area is surrounded by hills and mountains, valleys, rivers and the cultures of three main tribes; Dani, Lani and Yali.

The festival aims to introduce and preserve the values and culture of traditional tribes and to symbolize the high spirit and power that have been practiced by them for generations. By attending the massive Baliem Valley Festival, visitors will have a rare chance to learn and experience firsthand the different traditions of each tribe participating in the Festival without having to make the difficult trek to their compounds deep in the hinterland of West Papua.

Moreover, a “tribal war” simulation is scheduled to be held featuring about 10 groups of 30-50 warriors. These mock battles are accompanied by the Papuan traditional music of Pikon. Pikon is a musical instrument made out of wood and skin, which produces a soothing sound when one blows it. Not many people can play the instrument as it requires special skills.

Organized by the district government of Jayawijaya, the festival is aimed to introduce and preserve the values and culture of Baliem Valley’s traditional tribes. The Baliem Valley festival will be enhanced by various fascinating art and cultural performances, including traditional Papuan dances, pig racing, Puradan Rattan Spear Throwing, Sikoko Spear games, Papuan traditional musical performance, and many more.
Although a trip can be booked by individual (see the brochure for details), we recommend contacting Baliem Valley Trekking, a comprehensive and truly alternative tour service for everything Papua.